Most Likely a Bad Beginning, Yet An Anticipated One

     I'm not going to lie, but I love beginning things. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I feel like I'm starting something new, or changing something, even though I'm not. And being an aspiring writer, I'll probably want to go back and 'edit' this very beginning in a few weeks time. But I'm not going to because it's a blog and it's not supposed to change.

     In the past I've tried to blog. However, I've never been a very consistent writer. I've always dropped different things I've been doing, but hopefully I'll keep up with this. No guarantees. But, hopefully with this change we'll have something to keep steady.

     For one thing, it's the first time in... Forever... My family has been thinking about the future. Not that we ever neglected it in a bad way, it's just that we've never had to think about it. But now that I'm in high school, we have a timeline to put together. We can't stay in Togo forever, sadly. At some point we'll have to pick up and move all our dust-laden things to somewhere likely far across the globe, as we've done every few years all my life. New things aren't new to me. But in a way I've not had to undergo any new things lately. Not since our teammates moved away. Now it's very routine, and I've found that I like it. I've never really known much other than constant change, and now I'm going to have to face it again. Which is fine. I'm one of the few people I know who likes change, but maybe that just makes me better at being happy.

     So I'm not even sure what this blog is going to be about. Maybe I'll end up just reviewing movies, or adding recipes like every other female in America. Who knows. I just know that with all the thoughts that enter my head, hardly any tend to get out. so hopefully this will reduce some of my anxiety to think. After all, you can think more than a thousand thoughts at once... If you're normal. At this math rate, I must be at least five times normal. And anyone who knows me can testify to this, as well as my strangeness and habit to provide cheek wherever it is lacking. Now, I will conclude this likely confusing but anticipated beginning by NOT editing anything I've written above. Hopefully it's a habit I can break.


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