Having to do with Smarts, Sugar Collapses, and Spirit

     So we're all getting ready for the end of school, right? One of those times of the year where some people sit back and do nothing, thinking they're going to do fine on their exams, and some people spend every spare second pouring over their algebra books and ending up with only one universal answer: Yes, you're right, the X is very important. The end of the school year for me was usually to just take it easy and be excited about summer. But ever since I got into high school and started to actually work for my grades, it hasn't exactly been like that. To give you a good picture, the last week I've been either huddling in the fetal position over the computer, or over my math book answering any questions or comments of my family with a multi-meaning grunt, usually taken for just a normal grunt with no meaning at all. I don't understand why they would think that I'd just give them a normal grunt when MY grunt is clearly a very communicable one.

     In all this studying there's only time for one other thing: and that's food. Food, that lovely stuff that you get to put in your mouth ever day. That you can mix up in whatever combination you like and it will be a 50%-50% chance it'll taste good. So what, you may ask, did I made that gave me a sugar collapse the title so unimaginatively destroyed? I'll tell you. Cookie Dough Chocolate Cupcakes. Yes, you heard me right. Yes, God did send them down from Heaven to give hope to our race and to all humanity. And I got to make them. And eat them. Three to be exact. First we made the chocolate cupcakes, which I had never made before. It was one of those easy recipes that just turns out to be some of the best stuff you've ever put in your mouth. We made the cookie dough (eggless for all those lilly-livered-raw-egg-police) and shoved a good tablespoon in each cupcake, promptly replacing the fluffy chocolate top and icing with pure, melted gold that happens to be brown(chocolate). And after 'tasting' one, eating the batter equivalent on an entire cupcake, 'sampling' cookie dough, and then eating two entire cupcakes... I couldn't move in the morning. Actually, I could move. But I couldn't hold my hand steady and when I would talk, I just stumbled over all my words and would laugh like a madman at random times throughout the day. In the middle of French, I just had to get up and dance to Queen to get myself back inside my body. So, if I end up failing my final exams(which I WON'T), then just assume I got cocky about how many cupcakes we're making.

     So for the spirit part of the title, I have one other thing that I'm doing besides studying, and that would be spirit week. One of the best weeks of the year, when all the boringness of school explodes in one big fiesta piñata and you get to dress up as whatever you want and be crazy the first half of the day, then completely forget how strange you look the rest of the day. This is followed by a leisurely stroll down to your friends house where people just stare at you and keep their distance from your tiger-striped leg warmers you're wearing during summer. Tuesday we had pajama day, and I admit I didn't stay in my pajamas all day, we went down to look at a house and I had to change. But altogether, I can at least say I did go to school in my pajamas. Yesterday we had 'Crazy Day,' where you basically wear the most outlandish thing you can think of. I admit, there was a feather boa, face paint, and those tiger leg warmers involved. Let the images be burned. Although, I admit I made a pretty convincing hippie-meets-gypsy. Today is character day, and I'm going for the more demure costume of Skeeter from 'the Help.' My hair is now insanely curly and I even made my own skirt, which is convincing enough to get people to believe that I even did it on a sewing machine. The fact that it's far too large in the waist is being overlooked. I also predict that I will have permanent-marker freckle residue the rest of the week. And I quote this morning, "Mom, I drew fake freckles on myself because mine aren't as profound." Tomorrow follows our 'Famous Memphian' day where I will be putting together a knockout surprise costume. Prepare for the most awesome thing you have ever seen... No it's not Gandalf coming to take me on an adventure... Sadly...


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