Luckily The Three Students Staying With Us for the Next Six Weeks are Far From Being Duds

     And now comes the part where, thanks to a good friend who was just utterly perturbed by the format of my blog, has fixed the format problem! You now get two special treats: Indention, and returns. HUZZAH! 
     On that note, I will now relate, with abundant hyperboles, what it has been like so far to have our interns here. Firstly, I noticed right away that they were not one of those, "Ooh! Africa! I can hug orphans and save elephants!" people. Sometimes when people come, and they come solely for reasons relating to recognition and/or simple delight, they tend to get a big disappointment. For one thing, it is not 'really hot' here. It is simple, sheer, pain. You could fry an egg on your head. Yes, the heat has been hard but I was very impressed with the simple, "OH IT'S SO HOT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!" I assure you, I've heard much worse than that. They haven't even spent an entire day sitting in front of the fan yet! Unless you count the car trip here. 
    The second biggest thing that comes to mind is the fact that each one of them, Kelli, Jalie, and Jasmin, have all put up with seven consecutive hours in the car with ME. Yes, that's right. And even with the scaring, and informing of all species of snakes, spiders, and sisters that lie in their conceivable future, they still didn't run screaming for the airport, so desperate to get rid of me that they were willing to take a bush taxi. Of course, when you put it all together, you understand how nice I was being at first... Just to make sure we didn't have to turn around. Next week I unleash... Sharp intake of breath... The feined infatuation with Justin Bieber and all his music! If anything can drive them out...
    The first night that Kelli and Jalie stayed with us was nice. Maybe it was just the fact that we'd been in the car for seven hours, so what was in our heads formed as "Stop talking to me, I just want to go to bed already!" came out more like pleasant, thought out answers to things. Or maybe it was the presents. Jalie was our 'pack mule', which means we forced her to be laden on her journey with about fifty pounds of frivialties we poor deprived missionaries don't have... Like processed brownies my grandmother had the though to send me. I know I've been here too long when I have to limit it to one Cosmic Brownie a day. When I was seven, I could fit four. Ah, I can just taste the wax... I also got new glasses which were beneficial to not only myself but every other person and piece of furniture in our house. Away with the muttering under my breath about these stupid fuzzy computer screens! "No, I got a C on my test because I couldn't see anything in front of me. Well, no I could see the words. Yes, and the places to fill in the answer. Look, it was just messing with my head, okay?!" 
    So far, these three courageous travellers have survived not only my house at eleven p.m, but also the market on a Monday, our team at the pool, my sister and I simply in the same room, and also a game of volleyball and ultimate frisbee, where one out of every five participant knows what they're doing. Yes, I give them credit for sticking it out. Who knows, maybe we'll find them gone in the middle of the night, fleeing to the bus stop clutching firmly their passport; or huddled by the bunny pen in the fetal position. 
     AH YES! THE BUNNIES! I'm not sure if any of my readers (if I do indeed have readers) are familiar with our bunnies. We have the marvelous Tom Bombadill, alpha male and new father; Eponine, the one currently enjoying nightly sleepovers with Tom, and Imogene Herdman, who has had her time with my dear little polygamist and now has five small bunny babies! I'm dearly proud! We're currently brainstorming names, and so far have come up with only one: Jay Gatsby. A classmate suggested Luna Lovegood and another put in Alice from Alice and Wonderland. If any of you potentially existent readers have any good names ideas, we need at least four or five more. And remember, NO REPEATING LITERATURE. 


  1. Hi Maddie. I Jesse Sumrall, Jasmin's dad. You have an interesting writing style. Thanks for the good words about Jasmin and her teammates. I hope you guys have fun and do much good. God bless you all.

  2. Of course your house isn't the scary one.:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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