
Showing posts from April, 2020

COVID-19: A Perspective

To me, perhaps the oddest thing is that for once, the whole world agrees on something. Whether I speak to my friends down the street in Memphis, in New York or California, in England or Togo or Singapore, we are all afraid of the same thing. It started with an outbreak, "In Wuhan, China" the news said. I wrote it down for my French news notes and wondered what Wuhan was. Some people in China were sick. Then four people in France had this virus and I wondered if it was close to where my friends live. Then there was a case in New York or California or Washington or something. We all went "Hm." I stopped watching the news when I went on spring break. Five days later I got an email saying I would be required to move out of my dorm because nobody was going back to school. We were doing all of our classes online and it was suggested that everyone start social distancing. This phrase was introduced into my vocabulary only weeks ago and now it defines my every decision ...