How to Make Friends with Immigration 101
During my gap year, I spent the summer back in my hometown in Togo conducting interviews for the clinic. Because I was a Hope Through Health volunteer, I was able to live in the compound that was provided for their volunteers. There were several students from Harvard and MIT, a few Peace Corps Volunteers, and some other European volunteers. When I arrived, I met and shared a room with a person who I will call 'Roommate,' a college freshman sent by MIT’s chapter of GlobeMed. Even though I was fresh out of high school and the youngest person in the compound, I still had an entire childhood of experiences living in Kara behind me. This led to a few disagreements between me and the other volunteers, most of which I kept quiet on. Roommate mentioned one night at dinner that she needed to get her visa renewed – tomorrow – the other volunteers casually assured her that she could simply let it expire and go later this week; that you just had to pa...